Thursday, August 18, 2011

Relationship Uncertainty - Taking the High Road

Many of my female clients come to me because they want to create movement in their romantic relationship. The future with their partner seems uncertain. They want to know whether to stay in the relationship or leave. In most of the cases, the man is unwilling to fully commit although there is love involved. The reason why the men are unwilling to commit is because of fear. Men tend to identify more with the world of form which is constantly in flux because of its basis in fear energy. They are often seeking some sense of safety or security which is impossible to reach when the focus is on the illusions of the material world.

The world of form is not ‘real’ and can never bring true security or safety. The only reality is the truth of Love. Most men haven’t realized this yet. Since they are focused on illusions, they may make choices from a place of fear instead of from love. Their decisions are based in creating more money or success because they mistakenly believe that these things will bring them safety, security and peace of mind. Not so. In their minds, committing to a relationship will negatively affect their search for security & safety in the material world and may even leave them vulnerable to heart break as well.

How do you navigate this situation without losing your mind? You speak your truth with love and compassion then let go. Focus on yourself and feeling good. Because the Law of Attraction brings to you what you feel, you’re ensuring that the best comes to you. Let’s see how to deal with an extreme situation. Let’s say the man you love has decided to move far away in his search of success, safety, and security. The departure date is uncertain. All that is known is that he is leaving at some point and it seems that you are being excluded from the plans. What are your options?

Well, you can start to have what are called ‘attack thoughts’. Thinking things like “If he loved me, he’d be including me in his plans”, “If he loved me, he wouldn’t be leaving.”, or “I can’t believe he’s doing this. What kind of person does this?” Or, you can take the high road and send loving thoughts. “Even though I don’t agree with his decision, I hope the best for him whether or not he and I are together because I know that according to the Laws of Giving and Receiving, I can only keep what I’m willing to give away. So, I give him away in complete trust that there will be a happy resolution to this situation or something even better will come my way.”

This mentality is not an excuse for inaction. Of course, try to resolve the situation to the best of your ability by speaking from a place of love and compassion and seeing the other person’s point of you. A shift in perception can create a miraculous resolution to a seeming problem.

But ultimately, let go of the situation. Attachment, grasping, clinging and holding on to something that seems to be moving away from you is self-defeating. Allow space for the situation to heal or for something new to be brought in. When you practice this state of being, you are also practicing unconditional love for yourself and the other person involved. Although it seems that the other person is being, unkind, disrespectful, self-centered or whatever, you still love the person. Forgive the seeming slights and let go. It doesn’t mean you have to stay in a situation that isn’t bringing you joy and doesn’t seem to be resolving despite your efforts. You’ll need to be still and listen to inner guidance to decide whether to stay or go. I help my clients sort out their energy field and their emotions so that they can reach that place of stillness and hear the still small voice within.

When you practice a loving mindset, you ensure the best possible outcome for yourself. Plus, thinking loving and kind thoughts about others makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you’re attracting your highest best. In addition, your loving thoughts may even influence the other person’s behavior. This technique isn’t only limited to this extreme case. It can apply to any area of a relationship where fear energy has taken over. See the other person’s point of view with compassion. Practice a loving mindset. Focus on what it is you want and feels good to you. The universe has no choice but to bring to you what it is you focus on so make the decision to focus on love instead of fear.